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Pound Of Ground Ativador Download


About This Game Pound of Ground, story driven crazy shoot 'em up with red car and LOTS of zombies.The game combines action elements - a wide range of advanced weapons, fights with various bosses and spectacular, endless battles with the crowds of the undead - with a gripping story full of unexpected disclosures and peculiar characters.Key features:A well-written story full of turns of events; it's mainly about putting things right, about love and ultimately about saving the whole cityDuels with variously designed bosses, but also with the crowds of undead enemiesScenes from 'behind the shut curtain' that add flavour and humour to the storyA number of different tasks ensures extended and variegated playabilityUnique gameplay elements 7aa9394dea Title: Pound of GroundGenre: ActionDeveloper:Centauri ProductionPublisher:Bohemia InteractiveRelease Date: 5 Nov, 2010 Pound Of Ground Ativador Download one pound of ground beef price. eating a pound of ground beef. pound of lean ground beef price. 1 pound of ground pork is how many cups. half pound of ground chicken nutrition. pound n ground pty ltd. calories in a pound of ground beef 80 20. calories in pound of ground venison. pound in ground. 1 pound of ground beef is how much protein. 1/2 pound of ground turkey calories. calories in 1 pound of ground sausage. pound of ground turkey cups. pound of ground coffee how many cups. pound ground ham. pound of ground beef calories. pound of ground beef makes how many hamburgers. 1 pound of ground turkey is how many ounces. half pound of ground beef calories. calories in pound of ground sirloin. pound of ground beef in cups. pound the ground 2. volume of a pound of ground coffee. one pound of ground beef equals how many cups. 1/2 pound of ground beef recipes. pound of ground beef price. pound the ground 2018 results. pound lean ground beef. pound loses ground. meatloaf using one pound of ground beef. 1 pound of ground beef nutrition. recipes using 1 pound of ground pork. recipes with pound of ground beef. calories in pound of 93 ground beef. one pound of ground beef meatloaf. pound the ground project ozone 2. what does a pound of ground beef look like. eating a pound of ground turkey. a pound of ground beef. calories in 1 pound of 8020 ground beef. pound of ground pork calories. pound of lean ground beef cost. pound of ground pork recipe. calories in 1 pound of ground deer meat. one pound of ground beef. pound the ground 10k. quarter pound of ground turkey. defrost a pound of ground beef in the microwave. pound regains ground as brexit storm rages. pound of ground beef protein. half pound of ground turkey nutrition It's not a horrible game, but there are many faultsGood: -Music is ok-Wide open environments-Graphics are not too shabby-Driving is decentBad:-Music is all over the place sometimes. Different styles. -Nothing in the wide open environments-Story telling \/ voice acting is absolutely atrocious-Consisted of fetch quest. Go from this place to this place and then back again.-Crappy framerate in busy parts...dropped down to 10-20fps-Guns are weak. Gunplay is meh. Only 5 weapons, 1 being melee-Easy game-Animation quality is poor-Lots of stupid dialogue-Forced HumorIt's an indie developer so i can't really be too harsh on them. It was an ok game. I got it on sale (obviously)I"d say 4-5\/10. First of all, let me just say I have no clue when or even how I got this game in the first place. Maybe I inavertently got it during a sale, or perhaps I got it from a friend...I honestly don't know. What I do know is, Pound of Ground is definately one of most awful and boring games I have ever played in my life.The story/script feels very uninspired, practically to the point where it almost feels as if there isn't a story at all...mostly just humor that feels forced and can be hard to listen to. The gameplay itself feels very bland and dull as well, considering practically all you do is run/drive place to place to engage in boring combat with zombies with whatever weapons the game gives you (mostly the baseball bat) and blow up the occasional generator. The pacing feels off at times, some levels are long and tedious, while others are rushed and sloppy. Oh, and sometimes the game just crashes for no apparent reason.Really the only redeeming factor to me is that some of the music is pretty cool, but the characters are too annoying and the gameplay is too repetitive and gets old quickly for me to enjoy it for long. Really the only way I can reccommend Pound of Ground is if you like to play terrible games with badly translated dialogue. Otherwise, steer clear from this one. 1.5/5.0. This game sucks. This is the stupidest, most hilariously inept game I have played in years, and yet it has this sick charm like a brain-damaged boxer who keeps trying to fight... you know it'll get savaged when you put it up against anything at all, no matter the opponent, but it'll go down swinging with a smile on its face.You play as goddamn Johnny Five-Aces! (Except they call him "Johnny Major" but look at the dude. He has the whole damn outfit.) Everyone speaks this hilarious not-quite-English that results in things like a farmer mangling attempts to hit on you for half a minute, and a hero who sounds like a drunken Garcia Hotspur from Shadows of the Damned.Bonus for some of you who will remember it: this is the game that was infamous on launch for having a RED, RED CAR! as a selling point. That's the kind of quality you're getting out of this whole game. Get in on the ground floor and pound it. Pound the ground. Pound of Ground.. Unpolished and seriously underrated, yet quite fun game on the mainstream theme - "zombie rampage". This time - in the distant town somewhere on Mid-West of USA. What I like about the game - is that it stays on the bright side of things. You know, the Zombie Games are usually Dead Serious. Not a bad feature, but all of them are so similar on the basic level, that it is absolutely no fun. Stubbs the Zombie was different, one-of-a-kind gem... But there is too little count of games trying comical approach on the zombie pattern - and that's a mile behind the cinematography. Which is strange, as generally, games are far more creative with things, in comparison with Hollywood...Now, Pound of Ground is not something worth a long review, really. The "Hero" there doesn't have Ash Williams charisma and chainsaw, but other than that - it's the same type of guy.The game starts a bit confusing, but quite soon you'll get a bat to crush z-sculls, then a car, a pistol, a shotgun, a long-ranged crossbow, and finally, a dynamite. Zombies will be upgrading as well, there will be monsters with distant attacks, sages-which-raising-hordes, and even bigger things on the dessert. Controls are a bit off, but only a little. In general, it is rather easy-going arcade game with the semi-open world, some zombies to kill and some hills to jump with your red cabrio. Full complete in less than 10 hours, and way better aftertaste, than with so many other Zombie games. Especially when we're talking about smaller ones, like Dead Pixels, which so many people seem to like without proper reason...Sure, Pound of Ground has many flaws, if you care to look for them - like strange name in the first place, followed by wacky start of the game, somewhat clunky controls and gameplay in general... and not-so-good code, as the game tends to crash every now and then, usually on the loading screens.On the other hand, it is doing well the thing the games are generally made for - it is entertaining. I really like it just the way it is (except for unstable code, of course). It is short and fun if a bit mindless, comedy action game about zombies. With great fusion soundtrack, which I really enjoyed.My mark is 8\/10. I usually play serious long-winded games, like epic RPGs and strategies... But sometimes you just can't force yourself to take the playtime so seriously. After 16h-work day, for example... And Pound of Ground is perfectly fitting that niche of short and easy action. There should be more games like that!. This game is very bad. Do not buy it. Fo realsies.Edit: I am not kidding ,I have almost 500 games and this is the worst game in my library.. I can't help but feel this is a next-gen N64 game made by The Residents.. Somehow it's like the old school games on Playstation 1. Not a bad game, maybe too easy and too short (6-8 hours of play).A little bug with your sight when you leave your car. My advice, don't leave your car when you are too close of zombies and/or wait some seconds before to walk.. A qwerky mix of action, comedy and driving. A visually nice game with a HUGE map to drive around and strange characters to meet along the way. The game is a difficult one to figure out, it's trying to be a game like Psychonauts but also trying to be Grabbed by the Ghoulies. It's fun and has lots to do and explore but at the same time I can see alot of people getting bored with it. Driving is alot of times just going back and forth and it gets boring and hell, its a pretty big part of this game. However if you are a fan of Psychonauts or any of the games from Double Fine Sudios and early Rare Ware, like I am, then you may just find some gold in them there hills. 8/10


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